Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 3rd International Conference on Pharmaceutical Research
Innovations in Pharma Industry Barcelona, Spain.

Day 1 :

Conference Series Pharma Research 2020 International Conference Keynote Speaker Devendra Ridhurkar photo

Devendra Ridhurkar works as an Expert Scien st at Neurax Pharmaceu cals, Barcelona, Spain. He is responsible for development of a value-added complex formula ons. He has over 13 years of experience and was associated with various reputed pharmaceu cal companies like Egis, Hungary, Dr. Reddys, India. He is expert in using pla orm technologies like hot melt extrusion, nanotechnology, and cyclodextrin complexa on. He obtained his MPharm, PhD degree in Pharmaceu cs from IIT-Varanasi, India. He is a member of editorial board for various pharmaceu cal journals and has earned to his credit over 8 peer-reviewed papers in reputed interna onal and na onal journals and 5 patents to his credit. He has been associated with various pharmaceu cal bodies in India and American Associa on of Pharmaceu cal Scien sts. He is a member of programme advisory commi ee for Pharma Connect Congress, Hungary and has a ended and delivered seminars and presenta ons at various na onal and interna onal conferences.


For orally administered drugs, solubility and permeability is one of the rate-limi ng factors to achieve their desired concentra on in systemic circula on for pharma¬cological response. Poor solubility of BCS class II and IV drugs is a ributable for delay or failure and due to this reason formula on scien st faces a major challenge to develop a formula on with good bioavailability. Enhancement of solubility and bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs can be achieved by amorphous solid dispersions which are prepared by conver ng the poorly water-soluble crystalline form into a more soluble amorphous form within the polymeric blends. Hot Melt Extrusion (HME) has been widely used to prepare amorphous solid dispersions for the improvement of solubility and dissolu on rates of poorly soluble materials. During the melt extrusion process, the dissolu on of APIs into the polymer matrix is accelerated under the infl uence of shear and heat. HME has gained popularity in the pharmaceu cal industry as a means of improv¬ing the bioavailability of drugs due to its wide applica ons, simple pro¬cess and low costs. HME is an effi  cient technology for producing solid molecular dispersions with considerable advantages including the absence of solvents, few processing steps, and con¬ nuous opera on over solvent-based processes such as spray drying and co-precipita on. Also, HME is one of the recommended processes by FDA to encourage move from batch-to-con nuous manufacturing. Moreover, it can be used to earn intellectual property and to make the noninfringing strategies for products development with ANDA para IV fi llings. Marketed formula ons Kaletra and Onmel which are prepared by HME technology, are the classical examples.

Conference Series Pharma Research 2020 International Conference Keynote Speaker Reem K Arafa photo

Reem K Arafa is currently a Professor of Biomedical Sciences and the Director of the Drug Design and Discovery Lab at University of Science and Technology, Zewail City since joining the City in September 2014. She is also the coordinator of the Drug Design and Development Concentra on at the Biomedical Sciences Undergraduate Program. She has 4 US patents and over 50 publica ons in the fi eld of discovery of bioac ve small molecules. Her current research interests is directed towards employing molecular modeling and medicinal chemistry tools and techniques for the design, discovery and op miza on of new an cancer and an -Alzheimer’s lead compounds. 


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenera ve disease among the top most common agerelated forms of demen a. Unfortunately, no current treatments are known to stop or reverse the progression of AD, though those in clinical use only temporarily improve symptoms. Consequently, the research society is in need of discovery of new biologically ac ve molecules that can contribute to the control of AD. Hallmarks of AD include accumula on of amyloid-β (Aβ) protein and neurofi brillary tangles (NFTs). GSK-3β is a validated key player in the development of Aβ and NFTs palying a crucial role in disease progression. Thus, it presents a valid target for new an -AD drug’s development. This research work displays the results of design and discovery of new oxadiazole scaff old based molecules with ATP-compe  ve GSK-3β inhibitory ac vity. Biological screening results of these new molecules show a promising ac vity profi le for these new en  es and pave the way for future development and op miza on of those discovered leads. Molecular modeling studies were also performed to stand on postulated binding modes of these chemotypes to the ATP binding site of GSK-3β.

Keynote Forum

Rashid Mahmood

Surge Laboratories Private Limited, Pakistan

Keynote: Pharmaceutical applications of hot melt extrusion - A novel technique

Time : 11:45-12:30

Conference Series Pharma Research 2020 International Conference Keynote Speaker Rashid Mahmood photo

Rashid Mahmood has Master Degree in Analy cal Chemistry and MSc in Total Quality Management. He has 15 years of experience of Pharmaceu cal Quality Opera ons and has par cipated in many interna onal conferences as a keynote speaker. He has presented various talks in USA, Canada, UK, and UAE on Cleaning Valida on, cGMP Guidelines, Quality Risk Management, and Role of Mass Spectrometry in Pharmaceu cals and on new Drug Delivery Systems. Currently, he is working as a General Manager Technical Opera ons for Surge Laboratories Private Limited (Manufacturer of Microencapsulated APIs, Liquid & Dry Powder Parentrals) which is the best export oriented company of Pakistan. 


Hot Melt Extrusion (HME) is emerging technology which is gaining high importance in the pharmaceu cal industry as a novel technique for the prepara on of various dosage forms and drug delivery systems, for example granules and sustained release tablets. It is a fast growing technology pla orm that is u lized to solve diffi  cult formula on challenges, primarily in the area of solubiliza on. Due to fast processing, high degree of automa on, absence of solvents, simple and con nuous opera on and ability to process poorly compactable material into tablet form are some of the main advantages off ered over conven onal processing by this emerging technique. Applica ons of HME in pharmaceu cal industry con nue to grow and recent successes of this technique have made it a useful tool of considera on as a drug delivery solu on.
The use of Hot-Melt Extrusion (HME) within the pharmaceu cal industry is steadily increasing, due to its proven ability to effi  ciently manufacture novel products. HME involves the applica on of heat, pressure and agita on through an extrusion channel to mix materials together, and subsequently forcing them out through a die. Twin-screw extruders are most popular in solid dosage form development as it imparts both dispersive and distribu ve mixing. It blends materials while also impar ng high shear to break-up par cles and disperse them. HME extrusion has been shown to molecularly disperse poorly soluble drugs in a polymer carrier, increasing dissolu on rates and bioavailability.

Keynote Forum

Reem K Arafa

Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt

Keynote: Multimodal new Oxadiazoles as anticancer agents: Design, synthesis, molecular modeling and biological screening

Time : 13:30-14:15

Conference Series Pharma Research 2020 International Conference Keynote Speaker Reem K Arafa photo

Prof. Reem Arafa is currently a Professor of Biomedical Sciences and the Director of the Drug Design and Discovery Lab at University of Science and Technology, Zewail City since joining the City in September 2014. Arafa is also the coordinator of the Drug Design and Development Concentra on at the Biomedical Sciences Undergraduate Program. Arafa has 4 US patents and over 50 publica ons in the fi eld of discovery of bioac ve small molecules. Arafa’s current research interests is directed towards employing molecular modeling and medicinal chemistry tools and techniques for the design, discovery and op miza on of new an cancer and an -Alzheimer’s lead compounds. 


Novel heterocyclic oxadiazoles viz. 2-subsituted-5-(4-pyridyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazoles, 2-subsituted-5-(3pyridyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazoles and 2-subsituted-5-(phenyl or 4-chlorophenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazoles) were designed and synthesized as poten al an cancer agents. In this inves ga on, all compounds were evaluated for their COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitory ac vity in vitro as new therapeu c approaches assumed cytotoxic eff ect associated with selec ve COX-2 inhibi on. Results showed that most of the deriva ves demonstrated inhibi on towards both isoforms of COX comparable to the standard reference drugs indomethacin, diclofenac sodium and celecoxib. Then, nine selected compounds were subjected to cytotoxic screening against UO-31 renal cancer cell line using MTT assay. Three vompounds displayed promising behavior by showing good an cancer ac vity. Moreover, kinase inhibitory assay against the tyrosine kinase EGFR was performed for the three compounds showing the highest cytotoxic ac vity. The tested compounds were potent against EGFR with the highest ac vity being observed for compound X showing nearly double the potency of the reference drug Erlo nib. Moreover, molecular docking and molecular dynamics were performed for against EGFR, in an a empt to elucidate a model for this class binding at the molecular level, simulate and understand the possible binding interac ons underlying the associa on between these small molecules and the kinase enzyme ATP binding pocket essen al amino acids. Finally, in silico pharmacokine c profi le predica on was inves gated for X using SWISS/ADME to iden fy the most promising small-molecule cytotoxic agent on the basis of displaying the best drug-like proper es. Results indicated that compound X has a poten al to serve as a lead compound for developing novel an cancer therapeu c agents.

Keynote Forum

Rashid Mahmood

Surge Laboratories Private Limited, Pakistan

Keynote: Principle and applications of mass spectrometry in health care sector

Time : 14:15-15:00

Conference Series Pharma Research 2020 International Conference Keynote Speaker Rashid Mahmood photo

Rashid Mahmood has Master Degree in Analy cal Chemistry and MSc in Total Quality Management. He has 14 years of experience of Pharmaceu cal Quality Opera ons and has par cipated in many interna onal conferences as a keynote speaker. He has presented various talks in USA, Canada, and China on Cleaning Valida on, cGMP Guidelines and Quality Risk Management. Currently, he is working as General Manager Technical Opera ons for Surge Laboratories Private Limited in Pakistan. Pakistan engaged in the manufacturing of Microencapsulated APIs, Liquid & Dry Powder Parentrals. 


Mass Spectrometry is an analy cal technique to measure the molecular or atomic weight of samples. Mass spectrometer is an instrument that produces charged molecular species in vacuum, separates them by means of electric and magne c fi elds and measures the mass-to-charge ra os and rela ve abundances of the ions thus produced. It is being increasingly used for detec on and analysis of proteins from complex samples.

Mass Spectrometry has emerged as a powerful analy cal tool applied to the health life sciences and the pharmaceu cal sector. The use of Mass Spectrometry in the pharmaceu cal sector associated with the Drug Discovery and Development process is rich and varied. Many of the ini al eff orts were associated with online high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in drug metabolism, pharmacokine c and pharmacodynamic studies. Pharmacokine c studies with Mass Spectrometry can provide quan ta ve informa on about a compounds half-life in the body and how quickly it is metabolized or excreted.

The increase in sensi vity and resolu on of the Mass Spectrometer has opened new dimensions in analysis of pharmaceu cals and complex metabolites of biological systems. Compared with other techniques, mass spectroscopy is only the technique for molecular weight determina on, through which we can predict the molecular formula. It is also used as a sensi ve detector for chromatographic techniques like LC–MS and GC–MS.

Keynote Forum

Tariq Jamshaid

Surge Laboratories Private Limited, Pakistan

Keynote: Microencapsulation a world wide application

Time : 15:00-15:45

Conference Series Pharma Research 2020 International Conference Keynote Speaker Tariq Jamshaid photo

Tariq Jamshaid has more than 16 years of experience of quality control, manufacturing processes, product design & development, process op miza on, laboratory management, drug registra on processes, GMP requirements, sta s cal methodology, manufacturing process valida on, cleaning valida on, quality management system. He has strong scien fi c, analy cal, sta s cal, planning, managerial and training skills. Currently, he is working as a Senior Execu ve Manager Produc on & Development in Surge Laboratories Private Limited, Pakistan. 


Microencapsula on (ME) is a technique having wide range applica ons in diff erent industries like pharmaceu cal, agricultural, food, biotechnological, cosme cs. The major advantage of microencapsula on is to protect encapsulated ac ve ingredient against degrada on & to control its release profi le as per requirement. Microencapsula on is a process by which very  ny droplets or par cles of liquid or solid material are surrounded or coated with a con nuous fi lm of polymeric material yielding capsules from micron to millimeter range. The product obtained by this process is called as Microcapsules.
The encapsula on effi  ciency of the micropar cles or microsphere or microcapsule depends upon diff erent factors like concentra on of the polymer, solubility of polymer in solvent, rate of solvent removal, solubility of organic solvent in water etc. Substances may be microencapsulated with the inten on that the core material be confi ned within capsule walls for a specifi c period of  me. Alterna vely, core materials may be encapsulated so that the core material will be released either gradually through the capsule walls, known as controlled release or diff usion, or when external condi ons trigger the capsule walls to rupture, melt, or dissolve.
Microencapsula on may be achieved by a variety of techniques like polymeriza on, coacerva on, solvent evapora on, spray drying, air suspension, pan coa ng etc.

Keynote Forum

Devendra Ridhurkar

Neurax Pharmaceuticals, Spain

Keynote: Applications of Quality by Design (QbD) in formulation development

Time : 16:00-16:45

Conference Series Pharma Research 2020 International Conference Keynote Speaker Devendra Ridhurkar photo

Dr. Ridhurkar works as an Expert Scien st at Neurax Pharm., Barcelona. He is responsible for development of a value-added complex formula ons. He has over 13 years of experience and was associated with various reputed pharmaceu cal companies like Egis, Hungary, Dr. Reddys, India. He is expert in using pla orm technologies like hot melt extrusion, nanotechnology, and cyclodextrin complexa on. He obtained his M. Pharm, Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceu cs from IIT, Varanasi, India. He is a member of editorial board for various pharmaceu cal journals and has earned to his credit over 8 peerreviewed papers in reputed interna onal and na onal journals and 5 patents to his credit. He has been associated with various pharmaceu cal bodies in India and American Associa on of Pharmaceu cal Scien sts. He is a member of programme advisory commi ee for Pharma Connect Congress, Hungary and has a ended and delivered seminars and presenta ons at various na onal and interna onal conferences. 


The main objec ve of pharmaceu cal development is to design a quality product and its manufacturing process to consistently deliver the intended performance of the product. Pharmaceu cal industry realized that Quality by Design (QbD) principles, when implemented, lead to a successful product development, subsequent prompt regulatory approval, reduce exhaus ve valida on burden, and signifi cantly reduce postapproval changes and also helps to build a quality in all pharmaceu cal products. Hence the applica on of QbD in pharmaceu cal product development is now a thrust area for the regulatory authori es and the pharmaceu cal industry. Interna onal Conference on Harmoniza on and United States Food and Drug Administra on (USFDA) emphasized the principles and applica ons of QbD in pharmaceu cal development in their guidance for the industry. Target product quality profi le, cri cal quality a ributes, risk assessments, design space, control strategy, product lifecycle management, and con nual improvement are the key elements of QbD. Throughout designing and development of a product with QbD, it is essen al to defi ne desire product performance profi le Target product profi le (TPP), Target product Quality profi le(TPQP) and iden fy Cri cal quality a ributed (CQA) leads to recognize the impact of raw material,Cri cal material a ributes (CMA), Cri cal process parameter (CPP), on the CQA’s and iden fi ca on and source of variability.

  • Pharmaceutical Research and Development | Pharmaceutical Industry | Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients | Formulations and NNDS | Drug discovery and NCEs | Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) | Regulatory Affairs | Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Scale Up and Tech transfer
Location: Barcelona, Spain


Rashid Mahmood

Surge Laboratories Private Limited, Pakistan

Session Introduction

Dipak Chetia

Dibrugarh University, India

Title: Antimalarial drug discovery and development: Issues and prospects

Time : 13:50-14:20


There was no signifi cant progress in the reduc on of malaria cases globally during the period 2015-2017 as per the latest epidemiological report (WHO, Malaria Report 2018). The malaria aff ected countries mainly rely on Artemisinin-based Combina on Therapy (ACT) as no new drug has been discovered during the last couple of years. Therefore, the discovery of new an malarial drugs to target the parasite at various stages of its life cycle is an urgent necessity to address the current stagnant therapeu c situa on as well as to fi ght against the rapidly emerging resistant strains of the malaria parasites. The objec ve of the presenta on is to highlight the achievements and shortcomings, possibili es of working on new areas for development of potent an malarial drugs, problems and issues in the screening of an malarial compounds, necessity for development of easy, aff ordable and fast screening method.

Salient points related to current status and possible newer research targets to be taken into considera on for an malarial drug discovery and development shall be systema cally discussed and deliberated (Figure 1). The prime target of currently used an malarial drugs is the erythrocy c stage of the parasite and except few, others show very less therapeu c effi  cacy individually. Addi onally, most of these drugs are not eff ec ve against resistant malaria. Potent an malarial drug candidates based on novel targets need to be developed not only for erythrocy c stage but also to target the parasite at other stages which may work by diff erent mechanism of ac on against the parasites. There is a need for developing easier, aff ordable and fast screening method to enable more medicinal chemists to involve in the new an malarial drug discovery and development programmes. The development of most eff ec ve and long ac ng chemicals/ drugs for malaria interven on is equally important in the control of malaria.


Dipak Che a is a Professor of Pharmaceu cal Chemistry of the Department of Pharmaceu cal Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Assam, India. He is involved in the discovery, design and development of an malarial drugs of synthe c and natural origin since last few years. Currently, he is also serving addi onally as the Dean, Research and Development of Dibrugarh University. He is the Co-ordinator of the UGC-SAP programme awarded to the Department of Pharmaceu cal Sciences, Dibrugarh University for An malarial Drug Discovery and Development. He has published 67 research papers and 14 research scholars have completed PhD degree under him. His current research interest is drug discovery against resistant malaria.