Tariq Jamshaid
Surge Laboratories Private Limited, Pakistan
Title: Microencapsulation a world wide application
Biography: Tariq Jamshaid
Microencapsula on (ME) is a technique having wide range applica ons in diff erent industries like pharmaceu cal, agricultural, food, biotechnological, cosme cs. The major advantage of microencapsula on is to protect encapsulated ac ve ingredient against degrada on & to control its release proï¬ le as per requirement. Microencapsula on is a process by which very ny droplets or par cles of liquid or solid material are surrounded or coated with a con nuous ï¬ lm of polymeric material yielding capsules from micron to millimeter range. The product obtained by this process is called as Microcapsules.
The encapsula on effi ciency of the micropar cles or microsphere or microcapsule depends upon diff erent factors like concentra on of the polymer, solubility of polymer in solvent, rate of solvent removal, solubility of organic solvent in water etc. Substances may be microencapsulated with the inten on that the core material be conï¬ ned within capsule walls for a speciï¬ c period of me. Alterna vely, core materials may be encapsulated so that the core material will be released either gradually through the capsule walls, known as controlled release or diff usion, or when external condi ons trigger the capsule walls to rupture, melt, or dissolve.
Microencapsula on may be achieved by a variety of techniques like polymeriza on, coacerva on, solvent evapora on, spray drying, air suspension, pan coa ng etc.