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Rashid Mahmood

Rashid Mahmood

Surge Laboratories Private Limited, Pakistan

Title: Principle and applications of mass spectrometry in health care sector


Biography: Rashid Mahmood


Mass Spectrometry is an analy cal technique to measure the molecular or atomic weight of samples. Mass spectrometer is an instrument that produces charged molecular species in vacuum, separates them by means of electric and magne c fi elds and measures the mass-to-charge ra os and rela ve abundances of the ions thus produced. It is being increasingly used for detec on and analysis of proteins from complex samples.

Mass Spectrometry has emerged as a powerful analy cal tool applied to the health life sciences and the pharmaceu cal sector. The use of Mass Spectrometry in the pharmaceu cal sector associated with the Drug Discovery and Development process is rich and varied. Many of the ini al eff orts were associated with online high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in drug metabolism, pharmacokine c and pharmacodynamic studies. Pharmacokine c studies with Mass Spectrometry can provide quan ta ve informa on about a compounds half-life in the body and how quickly it is metabolized or excreted.

The increase in sensi vity and resolu on of the Mass Spectrometer has opened new dimensions in analysis of pharmaceu cals and complex metabolites of biological systems. Compared with other techniques, mass spectroscopy is only the technique for molecular weight determina on, through which we can predict the molecular formula. It is also used as a sensi ve detector for chromatographic techniques like LC–MS and GC–MS.